Full Configuration
This example demonstrates how to use all available configuration options in Tyler, including custom tools, persistent storage, and monitoring.
The example shows:
- Setting up a custom weather tool
- Configuring persistent storage with SQLite
- Setting up monitoring with Weave
- Using multiple tools together
- Customizing agent behavior
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from tyler.models.agent import Agent
from tyler.models.thread import Thread
from tyler.models.message import Message
from tyler.database.thread_store import ThreadStore
import asyncio
import weave
import os
# Load environment variables from .env file
# Initialize weave for tracing (optional)
if os.getenv("WANDB_API_KEY"):
# Example custom tool implementation
async def get_weather_async(location: str) -> str:
Async implementation of the weather tool.
In a real application, this would call a weather API asynchronously.
# Simulate async API call
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
return f"The weather in {location} is sunny with a temperature of 72°F"
# Define custom weather tool
weather_tool = {
"definition": {
"type": "function",
"function": {
"name": "get_weather",
"description": "Get the current weather for a location",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"location": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The city and country"
"required": ["location"]
"implementation": get_weather_async
# Initialize thread store with SQLite database
thread_store = ThreadStore()
# Initialize agent with all available configuration options
agent = Agent(
# Core LLM settings
model_name="gpt-4o", # The LLM model to use
temperature=0.7, # Controls randomness in responses (0.0 to 1.0)
# Agent identity and behavior
name="WeatherBot", # Custom name for the agent
purpose="To demonstrate agent configuration with weather information capabilities",
Key capabilities and guidelines:
- Provides weather information using custom weather tool
- Uses web tools for additional real-time information when needed
- Executes command line operations when required
- Maintains conversation history in SQLite database
- Gives clear, concise responses with context
# Tools configuration
"web", # Built-in web tools module
"command_line", # Built-in command line tools
weather_tool, # Custom weather information tool
max_tool_recursion=10, # Maximum number of recursive tool calls
# Storage configuration
thread_store=thread_store # Use SQLite for persistent storage
async def main():
# Create a new thread
thread = Thread()
await thread_store.save(thread)
# Add a user message that will demonstrate multiple capabilities
message = Message(
content="""Please help me with the following:
1. What's the current weather in Tokyo?
2. Compare that with the weather in New York
3. List the contents of the current directory"""
await thread_store.save(thread)
# Process the thread
processed_thread, new_messages = await agent.go(thread.id)
# Print all non-user messages
for message in new_messages:
if message.role == "assistant":
print(f"\n{agent.name}: {message.content}")
elif message.role == "tool":
print(f"\nTool ({message.name}): {message.content}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Configuration Options
1. LLM Settings
agent = Agent(
model_name="gpt-4o", # Model to use
temperature=0.7, # Response creativity
Controls the core language model behavior:
- Model selection
- Temperature for response variation
- Token limits and other model parameters
2. Agent Identity
agent = Agent(
purpose="To demonstrate agent configuration...",
notes="Key capabilities and guidelines...",
Defines the agent's:
- Custom name
- Primary purpose
- Behavioral guidelines
- Capabilities and limitations
3. Tools Configuration
agent = Agent(
"web", # Built-in tools
weather_tool, # Custom tools
- Available tools
- Tool execution limits
- Custom tool implementations
4. Storage Configuration
thread_store = ThreadStore()
agent = Agent(
Sets up:
- Persistent storage
- Thread history
- Message tracking
Environment Variables
# LLM Configuration
# Database Configuration
# Monitoring
# Optional Tool Settings
Expected Output
When you run this example, you'll see output similar to:
Tool (get_weather): The weather in Tokyo is sunny with a temperature of 72°F
WeatherBot: I'll help you with all of those requests:
1. Tokyo Weather: It's currently sunny and 72°F in Tokyo.
2. Let me check New York's weather...
Tool (get_weather): The weather in New York is sunny with a temperature of 72°F
WeatherBot: New York is also sunny and 72°F. Both cities are experiencing similar weather conditions today.
3. Let me list the directory contents...
Tool (command_line): [Directory contents listed here]
WeatherBot: Here are the contents of the current directory: [...]
Key Concepts
Agent Configuration
- Model settings
- Identity and behavior
- Tool configuration
- Storage setup
Custom Tools
- Async implementation
- Schema definition
- Parameter validation
Persistent Storage
- Thread management
- History tracking
- Database configuration
- Weave integration
- Performance tracking
- Error logging
Common Customizations
Different Storage Backend
from tyler.database import ThreadStore
store = ThreadStore(
Custom System Prompt
thread = Thread(
system_prompt="You are a weather expert..."
Additional Tools
agent = Agent(