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Built-in tools

Tyler comes with a set of built-in tools that provide common functionality for AI agents. These tools are ready to use out of the box and can be enabled or disabled as needed.

Web tools

Search the web using DuckDuckGo.

web_search(query: str) -> List[SearchResult]

Web browse

Visit a URL and extract its content.

web_browse(url: str) -> WebPage

File tools

Read file

Read the contents of a file.

read_file(path: str) -> str

Write file

Write content to a file.

write_file(path: str, content: str) -> None

List directory

List contents of a directory.

list_dir(path: str) -> List[str]

System tools

Run command

Execute a system command.

run_command(command: str) -> CommandResult

Get environment

Get environment variables.

get_env(var_name: str) -> str

Image tools

Generate image

Generate an image using DALL-E.

generate_image(prompt: str) -> bytes

Analyze image

Analyze an image using GPT-4 Vision.

analyze_image(image: bytes) -> str

Code tools

Execute code

Execute Python code in a sandbox.

execute_code(code: str) -> CodeResult

Format code

Format code using black.

format_code(code: str) -> str

Next steps

  • See the individual tool documentation pages linked above for examples and detailed API references

Web Tools

The web module provides tools for interacting with web content.


Fetches content from a web page and returns it in a clean, readable format with preserved structure.


  • url (string, required): The URL to fetch
  • format (string, optional): Output format - either 'text' or 'html'. Default: 'text'
    • Use 'text' for getting the content of a page
    • Only use 'html' when you need the raw HTML content
  • headers (object, optional): Optional headers to send with the request

Slack Tools

The Slack module provides tools for interacting with Slack workspaces.


Posts a message to Slack. The tool is careful about channel selection and requires explicit channel specification.


  • channel (string, required): The Slack channel to post to
  • blocks (array, required): The blocks to post to Slack
    • Each block is an object with:
      • type (string)
      • text (object)


Creates a new Slack channel.


  • name (string, required): The name of the channel to create (will be automatically converted to lowercase and hyphens)
  • is_private (boolean, optional): Whether to create a private channel


Invites a user to a Slack channel.


  • channel (string, required): The channel ID or name to invite the user to
  • user (string, required): The user ID to invite to the channel

Command Line Tools

The command line module provides safe access to system commands.


Executes whitelisted command line operations safely.


  • command (string, required): Command to execute (must start with a whitelisted command)
  • working_dir (string, optional): Working directory for the command (defaults to current directory)

Available Commands:

Navigation & Read Operations (unrestricted):

  • ls: List directory contents
  • pwd: Print working directory
  • cd: Change directory
  • cat: Display file contents
  • find: Search for files by name
  • grep: Search for patterns in files
  • tree: Display directory structure
  • wc: Count lines/words/characters
  • head/tail: Show start/end of files
  • diff: Compare files

File Operations (restricted to workspace only):

  • mkdir: Create directory
  • touch: Create empty file
  • rm: Remove file/empty dir
  • cp: Copy file
  • mv: Move/rename file
  • echo: Write to file
  • sed: Edit file content

Notion Tools

The Notion module provides tools for interacting with Notion workspaces.

Searches all titles of pages and databases in Notion that have been shared with the integration.


  • query (string, optional): The search query to find in page/database titles
  • filter (object, optional): Filter to only return pages or databases
    • value: "page" or "database"
    • property: "object"
  • start_cursor (string, optional): Cursor for pagination
  • page_size (integer, optional): Number of results to return (1-100, default 100)

Image Tools

The image module provides tools for generating and manipulating images.


Generates images based on text descriptions using DALL-E 3.


  • prompt (string, required): Text description of the desired image (max 4000 characters)
  • size (string, optional): Size of the generated image. Default: "1024x1024"
    • Options: "1024x1024", "1792x1024", "1024x1792"
  • quality (string, optional): Quality of the image. Default: "standard"
    • "standard": Normal quality
    • "hd": Creates images with finer details and greater consistency
  • style (string, optional): Style of the generated image. Default: "vivid"
    • "vivid": Hyper-real and dramatic
    • "natural": Less hyper-real

Using Built-in Tools

To use these tools, include their module names in your agent's configuration:

- "web" # Web tools
- "slack" # Slack tools
- "notion" # Notion tools
- "command_line" # Command line tools
- "image" # Image generation tools

Or when creating an agent programmatically:

from tyler.models import Agent

agent = Agent(
purpose="To help with various tasks",
tools=["web", "slack", "notion", "command_line", "image"]

Required Environment Variables

Some tools require specific environment variables to be set:

Slack Tools

  • SLACK_BOT_TOKEN: Your Slack bot token
  • SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET: Your Slack signing secret

Notion Tools

  • NOTION_API_KEY: Your Notion API key
  • NOTION_VERSION: Notion API version (e.g., "2022-06-28")

Image Tools

  • OPENAI_API_KEY: Your OpenAI API key (for DALL-E 3)

Additional Resources

  • See the individual tool documentation pages linked above for examples and detailed API references